More Information- Cato was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games and one of the main antagonists of The Hunger Games due to being a Career Tribute. Le District Deux a été décrit comme ayant le district comptant le plus de vainqueurs. There is a heavier Peacekeeper presence in this District. The Hungover Games ist eine US-amerikanische Filmkomödie von Josh Stolberg aus dem Jahr 2014.Der Film parodiert unter anderem die Filme Die Tribute von Panem – The Hunger Games, Hangover, Lone Ranger, Thor, Ted und Carrie. District 2 District 10 is one of the 16 Districts of Panem ruled over by the Capitol.Its main industry is livestock, and provides meat to the Capitol and the rest of Panem. Le District Treize est l'un des District de Panem qui a été rayé de la carte après les jours obscurs car il a été à l'initiative de la rébellion contre le Capitole. Deezer: kostenloses Musikstreaming. Il est l'un des districts les plus grands et les plus riches. By the 75th Hunger games, the District had at least 7 victors eligible for reaping: According to the map of Panem featured in The Hunger Games Adventures, District 2 is located directly to the south of the Capitol. By the time Katniss became openly involved in the Second Rebellion, District 2 was the last district openly allied with the Capitol. Fantasy & Mythology Personality Hunger Games Districts Personality Quiz. I've seen their bloodlust, too." District 9 male (75th HG) - Victor of unknown Hunger Games, died on the first day (Bloodbath). Due to District 3's industry, Tributes tend to be extremely clever at creating and using electronics. District 6is one of the 16 Districts of Panem ruled over by the Capitol. What would your life in the Hunger Game be like, district? Jobs. Placed 2nd out of 24. In both the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, the District 2 tributes made it to the top 7. According to the Capitol.PN, District 2 claims 1,937 in tesserae, making it the second richest district. Like Katniss Everdeen he volunteered for the Games. Les tributs de ce district ne sont pas nommés. Tributes from District 2 are typically Careers, who train for years before competing, as winning is a great honor in Career Districts. Take Hunger Games lead character Katniss Everdeen (played by Jennifer Lawrence in the movies). In the lists below, you will find all 12 canon Districts, the Capitol, and the three fan-made Districts sanctioned here on The Hunger Games Role Playing Wiki. Like District 4, the citizens in this District start working at a young age, giving them an advantage over other Districts. 2. Katniss gab den Tributen der 75. 74 ans avant le début du roman, le district 13 déclenche une rébellion contr… Il est parsemé de villages généralement construits autour d'une mine. Il se trouve sur l'emplacement actuel de quatre états américains : l'Utah, l'Arizona, le Nouveau Mexique et le Colorado. Tomorrow Will Be Kinder (from The Hunger Games Soundtrack) The Secret Sisters . After the First Rebellion (74 years prior to the story's beginning), District 2 was rewarded with better treatment and living conditions for its citizens because of their loyalty to the Capitol. The district has two distinct social classes: those who mine its coal and live in a slum called “The Seam,” and those who belong to the mercantile class and live in town. La Ballade du serpent et de l'oiseau chanteur: Couverture Tim O'Brien Hunger Games (The Hunger Games) est une trilogie de science-fiction dystopique écrite par l'auteure américaine Suzanne Collins. During the Dark Days, the Capitol's military command was relocated from District 13; its Peacekeeping force, along with a large portion of its fleet of hoverplanes, were housed in a large mountain in the middle of District 2, which was previously used for mining. Not only is she going into the games, but she falls hard for a childhood friend, Gage. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As Katniss Everdeen describes them; "Cato. La fonction et la fortification de la Noix sont similaires à celles du complexe de montagne Cheyenne qui abrite le NORAD. Lors de la Moisson, les adolescents du district Deux n'hésitent pas à se porter volontaires pour participer aux Hunger Games. Secteur d'activité He placed 10th out of 24. Many small villages, each one based around a stone mine, are scattered across the mountains. The District is one of the poorest in Panem, but ironically is viewed favorably by the Capitol due to its meat production. Although the district did not rebel as a whole, certain villages either been sided with or were captured by the rebels before the final assault against the Nut. District 6is one of the 16 Districts of Panem ruled over by the Capitol. Sein gesundes, kräftiges Vieh gibt uns Fleisch, damit Panems Kinder kräftig und gesund heranwachsen.—aus: "The Hunger Games: Tribute Guide" Distrikt 10 ist eines der zwölf Distrikte Panems und ist für die Viehzucht zuständig. These Hunger Games are not televised like the real ones on Earth, because the other Tributes suffer from PTSD, having flash backs of their deaths and panic attacks. Popular Quizzes Today. Children from District 2 are raised with a warrior mindset in preparation for becoming Peacekeepers, though this mentality also serves them well in the Hunger Games. The second district is the last to fall to the rebellion because of The Capitol’s grip on it. -A Hunger Games Love Story- Trinity Greylock from District 2, dosen't know what to expect when her name is called for the 61st Hunger Games. Prior to the Second Rebellion, this latter industry was apparently not widely known among the larger citizenry (similar to how District 13 was publicly known for graphite mining, but was also the center of Panem's nuclear weapons program prior to the First Rebellion). The Hunger Games Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Masonry (later Weapons) Not much is known about this tribute's life before the games, other than he was reaped. Placed 24th. Pour une population de 231 354 habitants ayant échangé 1.937 tesserae, on obtient un rapport tesserae/habitants égal à 0.008 par personne, ce qui en fait le District le plus riche de Panem. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Meet the Tributes Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor! Ils se battent pour le même sac. 03:22 02. Career is the term generally given to the tributes from District 1, District 2 and District 4 during the Hunger Games.They team up together to kill off the other tributes, and generally one of them wins. Il est constitué de plusieurs petits villages qui sont eux-même basés autour d'une mine et bâtie entre des montagnes ou de profonds ravins. The Hunger Games: Songs From District 12 And Beyond. This District provides the Capitol with their muttations. District 9 female (75th HG) - Victor of unknown Hunger Games, died on first day (Bloodbath). Il s'agit également du district chargé de produire les armes. Elle possède une capitale appelée le Capitole entourée de treize districtsa 5, vivant sous différents seuils de pauvreté et contrôlés par le Capitolea 6. Take Hunger Games lead character Katniss Everdeen (played by Jennifer Lawrence in the movies). Il était spécialisé dans la production de graphite et secrètement de nucléaire. Prior to the Second Rebellion, it was a Career District, and one of the most favored by The Capitol. Like other districts, District 2 has a central square where the government building is located, and Katniss noted that this stone building was old and particularly elegant (more so than anything she had seen in the Capitol). Distrikt 2 "Was wären wir wohl ohne sie: Die unübertroffenen Steinmetzarbeiten aus Distrikt 2 sind Fundament und Stütze unserer Städte, die Körperkraft seiner Bewohner wohlbekannt." À la suite de cette guerre, le Capitole a décidé d'organiser chaque année un jeu télévisé, les Hunger Games, pour contrôler le peuple … 6 District 5 (Power) District 5 fuels Panem with electrical power. Les deux tributs masculins au 74ème et 75ème Hungers Games ont été tués par un tribut du. Train tracks from the mountain lead into District 2's square. Victors Seltsam dass seine Bewohner das Reisen nicht mögen ...—aus: "The Hunger Games: Tribute Guide" Distrikt 6 ist einer der zwölf Distrikte Panems und für den Transport zuständig. Seeing as the District has many jobs similar to District 11, it's a safe assumption that the children of this District are employed to the grain fields just as they are in 11 to the harvest. Publicly, District 2 is presented solely as the home of the nation's stone quarries and masonry workers, but it is also where many Peacekeepers are recruited, trained, and where weapons are manufactured for their use. Everyone Belongs In One Of The Districts From "The Hunger Games" — Eat At Panera To Reveal Yours. The District 2 Male (also known as the victor of the 1003rd Hunger Games) was a male tribute from District 2 in the 1003rd Annual Hunger Games. According to the Capitol.PN, District 2 has 7 quarries in operation with a population of 231,354, making it the second largest district, in terms of population. Über diesen… Lors des 74ème et 75ème Hunger Games, le tribut masculin a été le dernier participant à mourir. The tributes of this District have never been know to do too well in the Hunger Games, often dying early and quickly, usually in the bloodbath. District 12 is responsible for mining and is home to Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark-- tributes in the 74th Hunger Games.It is located somewhere in the Appalachian mountains. La relation étroite entre le Capitole et le District 2 est illustrés par le fait que les habitants des deux localités portent généralement des noms issus de la Rome Antique : "Cato", "Brutus" (District Deux), "Coriolanus", "Seneca" (Capitole). Characters Victors/Mentors. Home / Music / Soundtracks / Soundtracks / Film Soundtracks Track. As Katniss Everdeen describes them; \"Cato. Forced Order. Comme dans les autres districts, il possède une place centrale sur laquelle est construit le bâtiment des autorités. Send Me To District 2 (From "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2" Soundtrack) James Newton Howard. If the population is 231,354 and they claim 1,937 that would equal to 0.008 tesserae per person, making it the richest District. It is unknown who killed her. Add to library 1 Discussion 9. She lives in the fictional District 12 where jobs are … Clove. From trains, to trucks, to hovercraft. 1. The tributes of this District have never been know to do too well in the Hunger Games, often dying early and quickly, usually in the bloodbath. The Hunger Games-Meet The Tributes: Home; Tribute Parade. The 150th Hunger games - Teamwork. APPS & DEVICES FEATURES BROWSE LOGIN TRY NOW. Punkte: Killcount: 0 Status: Lebend Betreuer. Being the most populated District in Panem, it is also one of the poorer Districts. Not only is District 2 near the Capitol geographically, but District 2 is treated the best of all the districts. Selon le site Capitol.PN, le District Deux possède une population de 231 354 habitants, ce qui en fait le deuxième plus important district en terme de population. Ce décalage entre fonctions officielles et officieuses rappelle le District Treize qui était publiquement connu pour l'extraction de graphite mais était en réalité le centre du programme d'armes nucléaires de Panem. C'est également le lieu où Katniss Everdeen, personnage principal de la saga Hunger Games, passe son enfance et son adolescence avant de participer aux 74èmes Hunger Games. The Hunger … Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Les enfants du district Deux sont entraînés dès leur plus jeune âge pour devenir Pacificateur ou participer aux Hunger Games. Après la première Rébellion, le District Deux a été récompensé d'un traitement préférentiel et de meilleures conditions de vie de la part du Capitole mais n'a pas été dispensé d'envoyer chaque année des tributs aux Hunger Games. I've seen their eagerness. 1. Viele in Distrikt 6 sind süchtig nach Morfix. 4. District 5 is possibly one of the wealthier districts, such as District 1 or District 2 due to the low amount of residents who take tesserae. Its main industry is livestock, and it provides meat to the Capitol. Ironically, most of the citizens of District 6 dislike travelling. After Plutarch Heavensbee described the mountain as "a tough nut to crack," Katniss Everdeen relayed this remark to the rebel leadership of District 2, resulting in the mountain being nicknamed the "Nut. Nothing To Remember . Bien que les habitants du Deux se portent toujours volontaires lors de la Moisson pour participer aux Hunger Games, tous ne les apprécient pour autant. The 73rd Hunger Games: Home; The Tributes > > The Mentors. Which Hunger Games District Would You Be From? District 2 is defined as being located near the Capitol, in the mountains. 3. Located in the Rocky Mountains, close the Capitol itself, it is one of the largest and wealthiest districts. Il est l'un des districts les plus grands et les plus riches. 6 weeks ago Tessa Thorne . District 9 male (74th HG) - Died on the first day (Bloodbath). However, Gale Hawthorne noticed avalanche paths on the sides of the mountain and realized that an alternative to capturing the Nut would be to simply disable it. 03:25 03., The close relationship between the Capitol and District 2 is shown by the fact that people from both locations tend to have names derived from ancient Rome: 'Cato', 'Brutus', ‘Sejanus’(District 2), ', Although tributes from District 2 were always eager to volunteer for the Hunger Games (they are described as having a hunger for 'glory'), it is shown that some of them have always secretly hated the games as much as any other district: Enobaria displays this following the rebel victory by voting for a final, symbolic Hunger Games featuring children from the Capitol, to "give them a taste of their own medicine.". The people of these districts also tend to train their children for the Games from an early age, even though training officially is against the rules. Le District Douze est le plus pauvre et le plus méprisé des districts de Panem. Hunger Game District The nation of Panem was separated into a total of thirteen nation-states known as districts, twelve of which are recognized as operational by the Capitol, and each being responsible for producing, procuring, or refining goods in a particular industry as dictated by the Capitol. He is the leader of the Career alliance formed by tributes from Districts 1, 2, and 4 (in the film only Districts 1 and 2). District 2 - The Hunger Games District 2 District 2 is in charge of masonry and weapon making, though it was revealed in Mockingjay that it is also a center of training for the Capitol's army of Peacekeepers. Bio Edit. Here’s a Panem map charting the 12 Hunger Games districts: 2. Lors des 74ème et 75ème Hunger Games, les tributs du Deux on atteint le top 7 du classement. It is where the Peacekeeper Academy is located, and where many of the Peacekeepers come from. allies? The industry in District 6 is transportation. Surprisingly, pet names also relate to the Capitol quite well. Exotic and unusual names also seem to be the norm. ‘The Hunger Games’ Series Is Coming to 4K Ultra HD; LIONSGATE ANNOUNCES THE WORLD OF THE HUNGER GAMES AUCTION With HOLLYWOOD MEMORABILIA HOUSE PROFILES IN HISTORY; Mockingjay Part 2 Sweepstakes & Watch Mockingjay Double Feature Viewing Party ; Thank You for 4 Years of The Hunger Games! Erstelle dein Deezer Konto und höre Send Me To District 2 (From "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2" Original Motion Picture Score ") von James Newton Howard sowie 56 Millionen weitere Songs. Fought with Katniss over a backpack until he was stabbed by Clove. Punkte: Killcount: 0 Status: Lebend Name: Fynn Adams Alter: 17 Team: 3. Career districts. 231 354 habitants, LymeEnobariaVainqueur inconnu (73èmes Hunger Games). Abraham's Daughter . Katniss Everdeen, jeune fille de 16 ans, vit dans le district 12 d'un état nommé Panem, qui était précédemment l'Amérique du Nord. In both the 74th Hunger Games and the 75th Hunger Games, the District 2 male tribute was the last to die. Hunger Games (The Hunger Games) est le premier tome de la trilogie homonyme de Suzanne Collins, paru en 2008. The people of these districts also tend to train their children for the Games from an early age, even though training officially is against the rules. Dans l'histoire de Hunger Games, située dans un futur indéterminé, la nation de « Panem » est née des cendres de l'Amérique du Nord suite à de nombreuses catastrophes : sécheresse, ouragans, inondations ayant englouti une grande partie des terres, suivi d'une guerre entres survivantsa 5 . by Clown2 Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . The Hunger Games: Songs From District 12 And Beyond Various Artists | 01-01-2012 Durée totale : 58 min. In the last two Hunger Games, both males were killed in the bloodbath but both females survived the bloodbath, the opposite of District 10. 1. LymeEnobaria District 2 is one of the thirteen districts of Panem. Le District Deux est l'endroit où la majorité des Pacificateurs sont recrutés et entraînés. Their extensive knowledge of axes, wood-working, and their time spent in the forests boosts their chances in the Hunger Games. District 10 female (74th HG) - Died on the first day (bloodbath). District 14 is one of the 16 Districts of Panem ruled over by the Capitol. Initially, it appeared that the survivors did not escape through the tunnel, but suddenly two trains rushed into the station when Katniss had started to broadcast an appeal to surrender. Name Ideas: Leto, Agnes, Zeus, Clio, Vesta, Bacchus, Coco, Vanilla, Roxie, Igg… The Games Edit. Seeing as the District has many jobs similar to District 11, it's a safe assumption that the children of this District are employed to the grain fields just as they are in 11 to the harvest. Like the Careers from Districts 1 and 4, those from District 2 tend to be strong and well-prepared, but have an additional level of brutal discipline. Selon le site Capitol.PN, le District Deux a distribué 1 937 tesserae, ce qui en fait le deuxième District en richesse. Lors des 74èmes Hunger Games, le District Onze a à la fois le tribut le plus grand (Thresh) et le tribut le plus petit et le plus jeune (Rue). Its location is set in Hawaii. She lives in the fictional District 12 where jobs are … It's where most Peacekeepers are trained and weapons are manufactured, but it originally specialized only in mining and stone cutting. To minimize casualties, Beetee suggested leaving the train tunnel to the square open as the only means of escape, which Gale was against, as he was seeking retribution for the fire bombing of District 12. Hunger Games 2. “Sanftes Muhen empfängt die Besucher in Distrikt 10. District 2 is one of the wealthiest districts of Panem. It builds and fortifies out cities, and it's citizens are known individually for their strength. Vote; The Games; Story of the Day; Marco. La Révolte 4. Im Capitol leben die Machthaber von Panem. Play on Napster. Somewhere in its district is a giant mountain called The Nut that serves as a military base. L'Embrasement 3. This is my idea of how to describe District 2 using nail art(: 5. There are eleven known tributes from District 2. District 12 mines coal. Tributes from District 2 are typically Careers, who train for years before competing, as winning is a great honor in Career Districts. During the games, he joined and lead the careers, managing to eliminate two tributes himself in the bloodbath. Ils sont bien préparés, rompus au maniement des armes. Le District Deux est le dernier district resté allié au Capitole lors de la Rébellion. Ironically, most of the citizens of District 6 dislike travelling. Tributs vaincus "[1] The mountain itself was virtually impregnable, and numerous rebel attempts to capture the entrances were defeated, resulting in a stalemate. Being the most populated District in Panem, it is also one of the poorer Districts. Les tributs du Deux font partie des tributs de Carrières : ils s'unissent avec les participants des districts Un et Quatre pour éliminer les tributs les plus faibles ou au contraires ceux qu'ils considèrent comme dangereux. De district 2 jobs hunger games Cheyenne qui abrite le NORAD Deux sont entraînés dès leur plus jeune pour. 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